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Austin English and Sam Spano

The odd pairing of works by Brooklyn comic artist Austin English and Oakland painter Sam Spano and in Et al.'s exhibition "In the Cups" felt necessarily contingent, unexpectedly revealing, and a…


In the Bay Area, the relationship between art and technology is a common topic for exhibitions. Such shows often focus on artists' use of new computer programs and hardware. But rather than simply…

Candy Jernigan

Candy Jernigan transformed ordinarily unlovely objects into images and sculptural works of great wonder and wit.

Anouk Kruithof

Between the normalization of “alternative facts” and the speed with which false information spreads through social media, evidence doesn’t seem to count for much these days. Anouk Kruithof’s “#Evidenc…

Yuki Kimura

Questions about how humans conceive of time underpinned Japanese artist Yuki Kimura’s CCA Wattis exhibition, her first solo show in the United States.

Suzanne Blank Redstone

Suzanne Blank Redstone’s exhibition at Jessica Silverman Gallery highlighted her early, formative explorations of abstraction. The presentation featured ten acrylic paintings (nine on masonite and…

Libby Black

Bay Area artist Libby Black’s signature sculptures re-create commodities, frequently luxury goods, using materials like paper, hot glue, and acrylic paint. She places these to-scale renderings of…

G.H. Rothe

Sex can be an experience of coming undone, of being in a body that is slipping out of the controlling forces normally exerted upon it, consciously or otherwise. Aging is also an experience of bodily u…

“The Way Things Go”

Encompassing works by 13 artists and artist collectives, “The Way Things Go: A Special Curatorial Project with Rirkrit Tiravanija” presented several strong pieces, but the exhibition overall failed…
